
If you need additional information or have questions regarding our disclaimer, please contact us via email (info@dreamtym.com) or the contact us form. We’re always available to assist.

The content on this site is presented with genuineness and serves a general informational purpose. While we strive to provide complete, reliable, and accurate information, DreamTym.Com makes no warranties about how comprehensive it is, reliability, or accuracy. Your actions based on this site’s information are entirely at your risk. Dream Tym will not be liable for any damages incurred using our site.

You can visit other websites through hyperlinks on our site. Although we aim to offer links to valuable and ethical websites, we lack control over these sites’ content. These links don’t necessarily indicate that we endorse all the content they contain. Site owners may alter content without notice, and changes could happen before we can remove a link that may have become outdated or unsuitable.

Also, please beware that as you’re redirected from our site through hyperlinks, various websites have different privacy policies and terms. Ensure you take the time to review the Privacy Policies and ‘Terms of Service’ of these external sites before participating in any business or sharing any information. This ensures you are well informed about their practices and guidelines.


Using our site, we assume you consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms.


The most recent update to this site disclaimer was on November 27th, 2023. Any future updates, amendments, or changes to this document will be featured on this page.